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YOUR NAME change the pic if you want. sharonquek*
16 x)

MSN shaquek@hotmail.com
EMAIL shannq@gmail.com


life rocks!
Monday, April 7, 2008 Monday, April 7, 2008

woohoo life rocks now. :D everyday its packedd like crazy right up till sports meet ends and thats in mid-may. and after my schedule frees up a little im gonna pick up dance classes with my sister! woohoo im really looking forward to that. ;DD life's good. hopefully i remain focussed every step of the way. yeah. support me kay! haha.
`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 8:24 PM

arty farty me
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 Tuesday, March 18, 2008

oh im so glad school has finally started proper. haha its like the orientation-period-slash-PAE-period totally sucks. its the worst time to get thru.. its when you see everyone slacking and playing but you know you cant afford to. its becos of doing that the previous year that youre faced with retaining. to repeat the mistake would be fatal and much less to say stupid. but its also the time u cant help yourself, where the school doesnt really keep that tight reins on ur work yet. still it hurts pretty bad inside when u see all your previous besties working hard and stressing over the upcoming a's while you have effectively nothing to do since its the "first three months". and it hurts pretty bad inside when you see the year ones have their own OG to bond with and new friends and stuff but youre kicked aside into something called OG32. and youre ostracized by everyone else; your own batch cos "youre too stupid", and the year ones batch still cos "youre too stupid". and in OG32 we're just like a big family cos theres nobody else for us. and theres all the times where ppl have somewhere to call "home" where they belong. during CNY celebrations, orientation 2. those are the loneliest. we call them our little retainees gathering. but to be honest, it hurts to be ostracized this way. can you imagine when orientation 2 admin days was going on, the whole J1 cohort was listening to talks while the retainees were told we can do whatever we wanted but in school. on one hand i appreciate that we arent expected to sit thru the sickening talks. but on the other hand, i wish they had something else for us to do. even when we tried hanging out at the LN Mess we were told to leave cos we "making the place look very unprofessional". what the fuck?! haha. painful times are over- i hope- and now its time to start working proper. Thank God for that. hahaha

i really am much happier in the arts stream right now rather than the science stream. seriously i dont think i was ever much of a sciency person to begin with. but cos of stupid hopes, i decided to gamble and go for science. but now i realise that arts stream is a much better investment to make. lols weird comparison to investments but its true! yah. so right now im just immersing myself in everything arts, especially literature. hopefully i get a chance to offer H3 literature by the end of my year 1. yeah pray hard for me please. on the subject of literature, i auditioned for the part Goneril (King Lear's eldest daughter) as part of the drama that JJC is putting up for SYF 2008. hopefully i get the part, cos competition's quite stiff. but thankfully the 2 lead actresses of jj drama fest (mind you ive nothing against them, theyre really nice) plays auditioned for the role of cordelia! im quite thankful cos i was feeling really inferior prior to auditioning when i found out they were both trying for a role. made me quite nervous as a result. haha. well now that all is well and good. i just need to pray really hard! hahaha pleeeease give me that role. hahaha. i really think goneril would be a fun part to play. acting like a total bitch and hypocrite. muahahaha!

ps/ march holidays were gooood! i went KL shopping and bought a whole tonne of stuff. hehs. oh i learnt this in literature: hyperbole, saying that i bought a whole tonne of stuff is a hyperbole cos its grotesque over-the-top exaggeration. hahaha.

ta for now! bedtime after a long day.
`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 11:22 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008 Monday, February 25, 2008

falling in love is very much like falling down. it happens all of a sudden and so quickly that u dont know what hit you. and while the ride might be fun, the thrilling feeling when u are falling or already in love, but when it all ends.. .. theres nothing left but pain and scars. sometimes if u fall badly enough, it can scar u for life. just like a simple trip in the step is just a slight fall that leaves no more than a scratch, a mis-step on the roof or at a kelong might mean a newspaper post listed as "in loving memory of... "

random, i know. just food for thought. go figure. :D


`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 4:32 PM

getting fat
Sunday, February 24, 2008 Sunday, February 24, 2008

Listening to* Damaged, Shayne Ward.
*Apologize, Timbaland.

uh oh. i just had a sumptuous breakfast! hahaha. so much food. if i eat like that everyday im gonna become one big fat pig. (^oo^) oink oink. hahaha i cooked for my family, basic stuff. made half-boiled eggs and fried sunny-side-up. and for myself i had omelette, made up of 2 eggs, an onion, 2 prawns. lol. and had a mug of iced-milo. then had a large bowl of honey-stars dunked in rich chocolate milk. how sinful is that. hahahaha. so much carbo and protein. and cholesterol! from the prawn. hahaha just a whole lot of calories spent on a SINGLE breakfast. oops. i would be a happy girl if i could eat like that everyday. hahaha!! anyway my mum said she wants to go down to pulau ubin to check out my dad's new club. My sister bought him the membership there as a christmas gift so we wanna take a look. hopefully we can go down, and maybe ride a bike around the island cos im feeling guilty about the feast i just had. hahaha. wanna go ice-skating soooon!!! lols. amy is loaning me her skates so i get to look really cool on ice. lols.

need to pack my room! its been messy since before i went down to kulai for the resort trip. i didnt mention that yeah? haha we (me, dad, mum, 3rd sis+bro-in-law+niece+maid) went to a resort in kulai (somewhere north of 2nd Link checkpoint) and spent a relaxing weekend there. saturday afternoon went in and played golf at the driving range. i managed to get my swing correct despite it being my 3rd time playing in my entire life. haha. furthest i got the ball was around slightly further off 100m. so proud of myself!! ;DD then went for dinner at restaurant somewhere off the resort. and we bought some more fast food back to the resort. heard of marrybrown? yeah love their fried chicken! cant believe we ate so much. then made up for it cos sunday after breakfast me, dad, sis and maid went biking. had 4bikes free for an hour so we explored the golf course. i started off behind cos im unstable on a bike, but i ended up leading the troop after that cos the rest were old bones and slow-pokes.hehe. after that we went to watch people at the golf course tee-ing off at first hole. quite cool. then after returning the bikes me and sis went for a dip/swim in the pool. cos we biked with costumes inside. haha. then after swimming went back to the resort room to dip in the jacuzzi tub available in the room toilet. cool huh! haha then kinda went off from there after we all finished showering off and packing up. so shiok right. golf, bike, swim. ;DDD

sigh this cny red packets as usual quite little. maybe a little over 200 only. saving up desperately to get my new MP3. cos mine is spoiling, the earpiece was long gone and the replacement is also spoiling. and really, 512mb might have been enough in sec 3 but not anymore. looking to get an 8GB iPod Nano PINK. hahaha. so hopefully i can get it soooooon! :D yay. jiayou jiayou jiayou. got almost 300 already. nano costs 350 in singapore but im asking dajie-fu to get from japan so its definitely cheaper, plus he has the "education discount". so YEEAH!. hahaha

anyway CONGRATS SINGAPORE, we DID IT! we got the bid for YOG 2010! :D i cant begin to describe how ecstatic i am. the atmosphere was almost TOO tense at the padang that night when 7pm struck. there was all the hand-squeezing and finger-crossing. i was so scared i couldnt let go of my dance partner's hand, fingers-interlinked. and we shared a tight-squeeze-lift-me-off-the-ground kinda hug after they annouunced "city of singapore" and all the claps cheers screams jumps were done. it was really really great. thanks, raynald for the great time at the padang. even when the rehearsal was supposed to be boring, it was made fun by having a buddy to spot cars with. yup. didnt know of anyone else who loved cars as much as i do. usually people dont know much about cars. oh didnt know ray was the #21 that i used to curse whenever 22 wasnt on the pitch and he was there instead. haha! =X anyway yup. roller-coaster of emotions when we're in holding room cos so nervous before performing, then so nervous about the announcment of results then the relief flooding thru when singapore got it. haha. oh oh the best part was ZINGO! hahaha the zingo drummers are ultra cool. i likkkkkkkkke. hahaha the guys were topless. and they were so shuai! hahaha as in the action when they drummed. wooh. call me, zingo. HAHA. aiights then. this post is getting tooooo lengthy im almost certain im gonna get complaints already. hehe. just needed to rant cos ive been pretty upset lately and writing all this helps me reflect and relax. honestly, composing prose (regardless what kind) is really therapeutic. works every time for me.

DATES* anyone wanna go sentosa? anyone wanna go ice-skating? im very very interested in these 2 just about now. so call me kay. ;DD

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`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 12:33 PM

Friday, February 15, 2008 Friday, February 15, 2008

Name: sharon
Date: 2/14/2008
Colorgenics Number: 70163245

Everyone feels despondent at times and you are no exception. You are feeling so depressed because it seems that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and you don't quite know which way to turn. So like the proverbial ostrich you are trying to bury your head in the sand. But that won't work - you have to face reality.

You are lazy - you dream of a peaceful, calm, uncluttered and uncomplicated life. Your ideal would be to share a permanent base with some person or persons who would be able to demonstrate on-going love, peace and security.

Nothing seems to be going right for you and you are thwarted every way you turn. You are not at all happy with the situation but it would appear that there is very little that you can do about it at this time. Sit back and let the situation take its course, because at this time you feel that there is nothing you can do to change whatever needs to be changed.

Recent disappointment has led you to become truly introverted. You are becoming suspicious of everybody and consequently you now feel that you are unable to trust anybody. Unfortunately it would appear that you are curbing your natural enthusiasm and imaginative nature - perhaps this is because you are fearful that you may become over enthused and find that you could possibly be carried away by wishful thinking. You are keeping your distance to see whether attitudes towards you are sincere - but this watchfulness could easily develop into suspicion and distrust.

Perhaps in the distant past your trust and belief in your fellow man was misplaced and you can now no longer accept anything as it appears to be. You are untrusting and you insist that before you commit yourself to anything, you examine the pro's and con's with critical discrimination. The situation has now progressed to one where you are apt to disagree yet not make any form of constructive criticism to every suggestion that may be put to you. As a result you are in limbo. There is a saying that goes 'The past does not equal tomorrow'. Think about it - and let go.Everyone feels despondent at times and you are no exception. You are feeling so depressed because it seems that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and you don't quite know which way to turn. So like the proverbial ostrich you are trying to bury your head in the sand. But that won't work - you have to face reality.

You are lazy - you dream of a peaceful, calm, uncluttered and uncomplicated life. Your ideal would be to share a permanent base with some person or persons who would be able to demonstrate on-going love, peace and security.

Nothing seems to be going right for you and you are thwarted every way you turn. You are not at all happy with the situation but it would appear that there is very little that you can do about it at this time. Sit back and let the situation take its course, because at this time you feel that there is nothing you can do to change whatever needs to be changed.

Recent disappointment has led you to become truly introverted. You are becoming suspicious of everybody and consequently you now feel that you are unable to trust anybody. Unfortunately it would appear that you are curbing your natural enthusiasm and imaginative nature - perhaps this is because you are fearful that you may become over enthused and find that you could possibly be carried away by wishful thinking. You are keeping your distance to see whether attitudes towards you are sincere - but this watchfulness could easily develop into suspicion and distrust.

Perhaps in the distant past your trust and belief in your fellow man was misplaced and you can now no longer accept anything as it appears to be. You are untrusting and you insist that before you commit yourself to anything, you examine the pro's and con's with critical discrimination. The situation has now progressed to one where you are apt to disagree yet not make any form of constructive criticism to every suggestion that may be put to you. As a result you are in limbo. There is a saying that goes 'The past does not equal tomorrow'. Think about it - and let go.

-angry and depressed now.


`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 12:41 AM

Friday, January 25, 2008 Friday, January 25, 2008


If our love was a fairytale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we'd say I do

And if we had babies they would look like you
It'd be so beautiful if that came true
You don't even know how very special you are


You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I'm thankful for the life we've made

And if we had babies they would have your eyes
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don't even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
You're like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me
You're something special
I only hope that I'll one day deserve what you've given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

-shayne ward


`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 10:30 AM

change of mind
Monday, December 3, 2007 Monday, December 3, 2007

okok, this is stupid. my family doesnt support my decision in going to poly cos they think jc is still better.. hence, i have decided to be a good girl and listen to them. im staying on in JJC, but doing arts stream next year.. i guess it will be for the better.. haha yupp.. wish to do Literature, History, Economics and H1 Mathematics. think so. so if anyone has notes please pass to me! xD i can do some holiday reading.. haha..

been slacking the whole holiday. every week just hanging out with the family.. nothing much also.. then go hockey training.. very occassionally go out with friends.. hahaha.. wanna go out more! x) oh wells.. oh oh oh and OWENS HOUSE TEE is out!! ;D damn nice.. the design.. hahaha TAKING ORDERS NOW! so hurry and order with ur class rep! we close on 6th dec.. money to be paid by 13th dec as best as possible.. so hurry hurry hurry, run for ur housetee! lolol (random jingle)..

hockey camp coming up tmr! tsk tsk.. im looking forward to the muscle aches... NOT! hahaha.. anyway im hoping its gonna be fun.. the shirt and jersey is out as well.. wonder what it looks like.. hopefully its nice despite the weird colour selected.. tue to fri im gonna be away from bright and early 7am till 8/9pm at hockey village training like nuts.. haha and thu if i can, i'll be joining lindy for inline-hockey!! woohoo. that so rocks. thinking its gonna be damn damn fun.. ;DD haha wonder if i can still chiong after all the muscle aches im gonna sustain.. haha.. hope its gonna be all good.. ;DD

aiight going out now! hanging out with the family again.. sigh.. hahaha udate more soon.. ;DD
love from me!

p/s OH OH! Dad's birthday just passed. so damn long story man. tsk tsk. all the conflict which just scares me.. i still maintain my stand- im switzerland, neutral. or how about America back in the old days of isolationism policy? yeah either one. x)

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`Shan wished upon a rainbow at 2:00 PM